Lake Billy Chinook, OR
Metolius Arm; near No Wake zone
Outing Information
- Date
- Start/End Time
- 8:00am to 3:00pm
- Best Fishing Time
- 8:00am to 9:30am
- Rating
- Good
- Classification
- Public
- Water Temp
- 41.0°F
- Water Clarity
- Clear - 5'+ visibility
- Water Level
- -
- User
- Kelvin Kempfer

Fish Caught
Caught | Avg Size | Pattern | Optional Fields |
3 | 10" | Mother of Pearl Luhr Jensen Nordic 1oz. | |
2 | 10" | Pink/Pearl Luhr Jensen Nordic 1oz. | |
5 | 10" |
Skies | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Sunny | X | ||
Mostly Cloudy | X | ||
Precipitation | |||
None | X | ||
Sleet/Hail | X | ||
Wind | |||
None | X | ||
Light - 5 to 10 knots | X |
- Air Temp High/Low
- 55.0°F / 33.0°F
- Wind Direction
- NW
- Weather Front
- Today followed a cold front.
- Barometer
- 29.77 falling
- Moon Phase
- 31% Full (Waning crescent)
Other Patterns Tried
No other pattern information for this outing.
No hatch information for this outing.
Insect Seining
No seining information for this outing.
Fishing Partners
Bret and Austin MichalskiWaypoints
No waypoints were saved with this outing.
No tide information was saved with this outing.
*Austin caught his first kokanee
*All of us caught our limit (5) of kokanee. Austin and I had to wait for Bret to catch his fifth one.
*We trolled for Bull trout for 5.5 hours. We landed two (19" and 22") trolling plug cut herring. Best success was north of the island in the Metolius arm. Trolling speed was 2 m/hr and best depth was 20ft - 40ft of water.
*Saw the goat, six mule deer, several Bald Eagles