Catch More Fish With a Smarter Fishing Log
Fish Swami makes keeping a fishing log simpler and faster. Use the fishing app while you're on the water to record where you fished, where you caught fish, drop waypoints, and take photos. Fish Swami will automatically collect weather and water data for you. Use the website to add new fishing logs, relive memories from past trips, or run advanced analytics on your fishing data to find patterns.
Share your fishing trips with friends and get notifications when they go fishing. Or, mark your trips as private and no one except you will be able to see your data.
Download the Fish Swami fishing app!

Fish Swami Features
Fishing App
Your fishing log is synced to your phone and taken with you wherever you go. The app works while you're offline, too - all data will be saved to the server the next time you're online.
Fishing Log Comments
Leave comments on other users' fishing logs, allowing a more in-depth discussion of the fishing trip outing. The comments are saved with the fishing log so they can be reviewed in the future.
Fishing Log Report Summary
A fishing log report summary tells you how many fish you've caught, how many days you've fished, your top fishing locations, top patterns, a monthly breakdown of fish catch numbers, and more. View a sample fishing log report summary page.
Fishing Log Empirical Analysis System
Query your fishing log data to find interesting trends, such as:
- What fly or lure works best for me on the Big Hole River during June?
- How many fish have I caught this year, grouped by lure or pattern?
- What were the weather conditions dtke when I fished Strawberry Reservoir the past 5 years?
Sun/Moon Information
Sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and moon phase are calculated automatically for fishing logs that specify GPS waypoints in them.
Fishing Friends
With Fish Swami, you can add other members as fishing friends. Once added, you are able to shared your protected fishing logs with each other. Additionally, they'll automatically receive notifications when you add new fishing logs.
Easily Searchable Fishing Logs
Your fishing logs are automatically grouped by date, location, patterns used, waypoints, rating, and more. This makes it easy to browse or find any of your fishing logs.
Photo Gallery Page
All of your fishing log photos can be viewed on one page that displays the photos organized by fishing trip dates. The photo gallery is viewable by your fishing partners as well.
Fish Swami Blog
The Fish Swami Blog includes topics of fly tying recipes, fishing techniques for moving and still waters, interesting findings from using the Fishing Log Empirical Analysis System, tips for keeping fishing logs, photo blogs, and much more.
Hatch Strength
Specify how strong a hatch was for your fishing trip. When you analyze your fishing logs, you can correlate hatch strength with weather conditions or other factors.
If you have a feature that would be useful for the fishing community at large, please contact Fish Swami on our Contact page to suggest the idea.