Spring Valley Reservoir, ID

isolated dock on south side of lake

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Outing Information

Start/End Time
10:00 AM to 1:30PM
Best Fishing Time
10:00 AM to 11:30AM
Water Temp
Water Clarity
Stained - 1' to 3' visibility
Water Level
Derek Blandford

Fish Caught

Rainbow Trout

Caught Avg Size Pattern Optional Fields
3 11" #10 White Blandford Antron Spider Streamer Kept/Released: 0 / 3
6 11" #10 Black Blandford Beetle Notable Fish: 1 @ 13"
Kept/Released: 0 / 6
5 11" #10 Mahogany Gold Bead-Head Mohair Leech Notable Fish: 2@ 13"
Kept/Released: 0 / 5
5 11" #10 Peacock Woolly Bugger Notable Fish: 1@ 13"
Kept/Released: 0 / 5
Notes: Woolly Bugger was peacock body with black feather, black rabbit fur for tail, and had a bit of yellow dubbing for a butt
19 11"


Caught Avg Size Pattern Optional Fields
5 6" #10 Black Blandford Beetle
2 6" #10 Mahogany Gold Bead-Head Mohair Leech
3 6" #10 White Blandford Spider Streamer
10 6"
Total: 29 fish Top Patterns: Blandford Beetle (11) Gold Bead-Head Mohair Leech (7) Woolly Bugger (5)


Mostly Sunny X X
None X X
None X
Very Light - <5 knots X
Air Temp High/Low
65.0°F / 50.0°F
Wind Direction
Weather Front
Moon Phase
10% Full (Waning crescent)

Other Patterns Tried

No other pattern information for this outing.


  • 16 black Midge Diptera

Insect Seining

No seining information for this outing.

Fishing Partners

No fishing partners were saved with this outing.


No waypoints were saved with this outing.


I decided to go enjoy the sunshine for a few hours and figured it was about time to see what a fly rod felt like again. I arrived at Spring Valley around 10am. There wasn't much happening on the surface and I only saw a few midges flying around, so I took my wet line and tied on some of my standard lake flies, the Blandford Beetle and the Blandford Spider Streamer.

Fishing was pretty consistent, although a tad better for the first hour or so that I was there. I was just fishing from a dock on the south side of the lake as I had decided not to take my float tube out as I wasn't sure how long I was going to be there. It was nothing too exciting. Fishing was pretty good, but it was just your typical 10-12" stocker rainbows and some annoying bluegill in between. It was still a nice day to be out.